德国INTERHERENCE公司研发的超精准可调节温度控制模块VAHEAT是一款用于光学显微镜的精密温度控制模块,技术来源于德国著名的马克斯-普朗克研究所(MPI),兼容市面上绝大多数的商用显微镜和物镜,可在高清成像的同时快速和精确地调节温度,加热速率可达100℃/s,最高温度可达200℃,稳定性0.01℃,是材料研究领域必备工具。该模块自2021年问世以来,已在《Journal of the American Chemical Society》、《Small》、《EMBO Journal》、《Nature Communications》、《Nature Methods》、《Nature Nanotechnology》等高水平期刊发表数篇文献。
图1 VAHEAT实物图
图2 A: VAHEAT各部件名称
B: VAHEAT配有容纳液体样品的智能基板,可安装在显微镜上
C: VEAHEAT智能基板含有氧化铟锡(ITO)加热元件和温度探头
全内反射显微镜 Total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM)
原子力显微镜 Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
共聚焦显微镜 Confocal microscopy
超分辨显微镜 Super resolution methods (SIM, STORM, PALM, PAINT, STED)
干涉散射显微镜 Interferometric scattering microscopy (iSCAT)
宽场显微镜 Widefield microscopy
犹他大学的Connor Bischak实验室使用超精准可调节温度控制模块VAHEAT获得了从40°C升高到110°C再降低到40°C,速度为0.2°C/s的光致发光(PL)数据。
参考文献:Rand L. Kingsford …& Connor G. Bischakd. (2023) Controlling Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional Perovskites through Organic Cation Alloying. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145, 11773?11780.
马克斯普朗克光科学研究所的Vahid Sandoghdar实验室致力于研究干涉散射(iSCAT)显微技术,他们使用超精准可调节温度控制模块VAHEAT调整30 nm的金纳米颗粒的温度并检测扩散系数,所得测量结果与使用金纳米颗粒的流体力学直径(实线)计算出的扩散系数基本一致。
参考文献:Anna D. Kashkanova …& Vahid Sandoghdar. (2022) Precision size and refractive index analysis of weakly scattering nanoparticles in polydispersions. Nature Methods, 19, 586–593.
华东师范大学武鄂教授使用超精准可调节温度控制模块VAHEAT对单光子发射源(SPE)在AlGaN微柱中的温度依赖性进行了研究。文章针对SPE在不同温度下的PL光谱、PL强度、辐射寿命等参数,探究了AlGaN SPE在高温下线宽加宽的可能机制,有助于深入研究如何实现此材料在高温下工作的芯片集成应用。
参考文献:Yingxian Xue …& E Wu. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence properties of single defects in AlGaN micropillars. Nanotechnology, 34, 225201.
德国柏林亥姆霍兹中心(HZB)的Yan Lu教授和波茨坦大学的Sergio Kogikoski教授使用超精准可调节温度控制模块VAHEAT测量了从室温到122°C不同温度下黑金薄膜的拉曼光谱。本实验用低强度激光入射(100 μW)测量拉曼光谱,以通过温度而不是光照射来诱导反应。
参考文献:Radwan M. Sarhan …& Yan Lu. (2023) Colloidal Black Gold with Broadband Absorption for Plasmon-Induced Dimerization of 4-Nitrothiophenol and Cross-Linking of Thiolated Diazonium Compound. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c00067.
Rand L. Kingsford …& Connor G. Bischakd. (2023) Controlling Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional Perovskites through Organic Cation Alloying. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145, 11773?11780.
Fan Hong …& Peng Yin. (2023) Thermal-plex: fluidic-free, rapid sequential multiplexed imaging with DNA-encoded thermal channels. Nature Methods, Mai P. Tran …& Kerstin G?pfrich. (2023) A DNA Segregation Module for Synthetic Cells. Small, 19, 2202711.
Anna D. Kashkanova …& Vahid Sandoghdar. (2022) Precision size and refractive index analysis of weakly scattering nanoparticles in polydispersions. Nature Methods, 19, 586–593.
Pierre St?mmer …& Hendrik Dietz. (2021) A synthetic tubular molecular transport system. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 12, 4393.
5. Bas W. A. B?gels …& Tom F. A. de Greef. (2023) DNA storage in thermoresponsive microcapsules for repeated random multiplexed data access. Nature Nanotechnology, 18, 912–921.
Tugce Oz …& Wolfgang Zachariae. (2022) The Spo13/Meikin pathway confines the onset of gamete differentiation to meiosis II in yeast. EMBO Journal, https://doi.org/10.15252/embj.2021109446.
Valentina Mengoli …& Wolfgang Zachariae. (2021) Deprotection of centromeric cohesin at meiosis II requires APC/C activity but not kinetochore tension. EMBO Journal, https://doi.org/10.15252/embj.2020106812.
Mariska Brüls …& Ilja K. Voets. (2023) Investigating the impact of exopolysaccharides on yogurt network mechanics and syneresis through quantitative microstructural analysis. Food Hydrocolloids, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.109629.
Yingxian Xue …& E Wu. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence properties of single defects in AlGaN micropillars. Nanotechnology, 34, 225201.
Radwan M. Sarhan …& Yan Lu. (2023) Colloidal Black Gold with Broadband Absorption for Plasmon-Induced Dimerization of 4-Nitrothiophenol and Cross-Linking of Thiolated Diazonium Compound. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c00067.
Ma?lle Bénéfice …& Guillaume Baffou. (2023) Dry mass photometry of single bacteria using quantitative wavefront microscopy. Biophysical Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2023.06.020
Jaroslav Icha, Daniel B?ning, and Pierre Türschmann. (2022) Precise and Dynamic Temperature Control in High-Resolution Microscopy with VAHEAT. Microscopy Today, 30(1), 34–41.
L. Birchall …& C.J. Tuck. (2022) An inkjet-printable fluorescent thermal sensor based on CdSe/ZnS quantum dots immobilised in a silicone matrix. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 347, 113977.
Rajyalakshmi Meduri …& David S. Gross. (2022) Phase-separation antagonists potently inhibit transcription and broadly increase nucleosome density. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 298(10), 102365.
Marleen van Wolferen …& Sonja-Verena Albers. (2022) Progress and Challenges in Archaeal Cell Biology. Archaea. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2522, 365–371.
Wei Liu …& Andreas Walther. (2022) Mechanistic Insights into the Phase Separation Behavior and Pathway-Directed Information Exchange in all-DNA Droplets. Angewandte Chemie, 134, e202208951.
Céline Molinaro …& Guillaume Baffou. (2021) Are bacteria claustrophobic? The problem of micrometric spatial confinement for the culturing of micro-organisms. RSC Advances, 11, 12500–12506.
SadmanShakib …& GuillaumeBa?ou. (2021) Microscale Thermophoresis in Liquids Induced by Plasmonic Heating and Characterized by Phase and Fluorescence Microscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 21533?21542.
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