图1 3场SLM算法讲座的对比
■ SLM与相位计算
■ SLM算法介绍:表面加工
■ SLM算法介绍:内部加工
■ 如何通过算法实现又快又准的加工
■ 全新算法软件(开放售卖)
PS. 文末为大家梳理了精选Q&A及参考文献列表
图2 滨松SLM算法方案一览
针对免费部分,将免费提供MATLAB算法源代码,方便用户掌握如何自己编写一些常见的代码。而对于收费部分,主要将提供基于MATLAB APP编写的相位图生成小程序,用户可输入参数/载入目标图片来生成相位图,默认不提供算法源代码,如有源代码需求,请与销售人员联系沟通。
1.A practical algorithm for the determination of phase from image and diffraction plane pictures (1972)
2.Parallel direct laser writing in three dimensions with spatially dependent aberration correction(2010)
3.Kinoform design with an optimal-rotation-angle method(1994)
4.An adaptive approach for uniform scanning in multifocal multiphoton microscopy with a spatial light modulator(2012)
5.Large-Scale Uniform Optical Focus Array Generation with a Phase Spatial Light Modulator (2019)
6.Speckle-reduced holographic beam shaping with modified Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm(2019)
7.Independent phase and amplitude control of a laser beam by use of a single-phase-only spatial light modulator (2004)
8.Dynamic laser beam shaping for material processing using hybrid holograms(2017)
9.Phase hologram optimization with bandwidth constraint strategy for speckle-free optical reconstruction (2021)
10.Weighted Constraint Iterative Algorithm for Phase Hologram Generation (2020)
11.Phase hologram optimization with Speckle-free compact holographic near-eye display using camera-in-the-loop optimization with phase constraint(2022)
12.Bessel and annular beams for materials processing (2012)
13.High-aspect-ratio, high-quality microdrilling by electron density control using a femtosecond laser Bessel beam (2016)
14.Single-Shot High Aspect Ratio Bulk Nanostructuring of Fused Silica Using Chirp-Controlled Ultrafast Laser Bessel Beams(2014)
15.Realising high aspect ratio 10 nm feature size in laser materials processing in air at 800 nm wavelength in the far-field by creating a high purity longitudinal light field at focus (2022)
16.Shaping the on-axis intensity profile of generalized Bessel beams by iterative optimization methods (2018)
17.Two-photon polymerization of microstructures by a non-diffraction multifoci pattern generated from a superposed Bessel beam.(2017)
18.Generating flat-top beams with extended depth of focus (2018)
19.Protecting the Edge: Ultrafast Laser Modified C-shaped Glass Edges (2021)
20.High-quality tailored-edge cleaving using aberration-corrected Bessel-like beams (2018)
21.Airy beams and accelerating waves: An overview of recent advances (2021)
22.Observation of Accelerating Airy Beams (2007)
23.Ballistic dynamics of Airy beams (2008)
24.Parallel direct laser writing in three dimensions with spatially dependent aberration correction(2010)
25.Beam shaping for ultrafast materials processing (2019)
26.A 3D nanoscale optical disk memory with petabit capacity (2024)
27.Predictive aberration correction for multilayer optical data storage (2006)
28.Multifocal array with controllable polarization in each focal spot (2015)
29.Rapid Two-Photon Polymerization of an Arbitrary 3D Microstructure with 3D Focal Field Engineering (2019)
30.Simultaneous compensation for aberration and axial elongation in three-dimensional laser nanofabrication by a high numerical-aperture objective (2013)
31.Optimized hologram generation method for real-time spontaneous manipulation (2023)
32.Real-time optical micro-manipulation using optimized holograms generated on the GPU (2010)
33.Optimized hologram generation method for real-time spontaneous manipulation (2023)
34.Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for fast and efficient atom rearrangement in optical tweezer Traps(2019)
35.DeepCGH: 3D computer-generated holography using deep learning (2020)
36.Two-photon polymerization of femtosecond high-order Bessel beams with aberration correction(2023)
37.In situ wavefront correction and its application to micromanipulation (2010)
38.Spherical aberration correction suitable for a wavefront controller (2009)
39.Adaptive optics for direct laser writing with plasma emission aberration sensing (2010)
40.Automated aberration correction of arbitrary laser modes in high numerical aperture systems (2016)
41.Ultrafast laser writing of homogeneous longitudinal waveguides in glasses (2008)
42.Three_dimensional_laser_microfabrication_in_diamond using dual adaptive optics system (2011)
43.Efficient full-path optical calculation of scalar and vector diffraction using the Bluestein method (2020)
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